Making Complicated Things Simple…


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The End: Chapter 4

Summary Welcome to The End.  A serialized audio drama about Nephilim, Chimera’s, quantum theory, end times biblical prophecy, survival, and the end of this world we know it. But not yet!   Imagine you are a few years in the future, with major AI developments being applied to our everyday life, interconnected like never before thanks…


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About me
and the show

Hey! My name is Kevin Scott Johnson. A short summary about me and the show looks like me learning to thrive with a better late than never diagnosis of adult ADHD, explaining why it took me from 2001 to 2013 to get a 4 year BA degree in theology and practical ministry.

Now fast forward a few months of my life to now, I’ve begun mastering my super power of learning, absorbing information, digesting, and regurgitating it to feed the young eagles high in their nest. *yuck* 🤮

But seriously, I’ve always had a passion for investing the time to understand complicated things, make them simple, and then release the new found revelation to wisdom, skill, or insight, to whoever was willing to learn.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

“This is where I’d put my trophy. IF I HAD ONE!”

— Mr. Turner

Rating: 3 out of 5.

3 stars. One for the Father, one for the Son, and one for the Holy Ghost.

— Nobody Really…

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I’m permanently banned on twitter. so don’t bother hash tagging me there fam.

Either DM me on IG or send me a message here if you would like to join the show, have questions, or anything cool like that.

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